Another late night. Unable to sleep. Called to write. I might as well share some of what is coming through… 💕
Special soul. ✨
You feel deeper, love harder, care more.
It’s not your first visit here. You’ve arrived many times before. Back again to help heal the planet.
I see you. I feel you. And, now, I’m being called to REMIND you.
We forget our truth and why we came here. This is by design and leads us to our required lessons. But, it’s safe to let go of all of that right now. In fact, it’s required. It’s time to remember who the fuck you are! 🙂 Remember: you possess infinite potentiality. Anything you dream, you can create.
It’s noisy out there. In your own head. In the voice of endless opinions of other (well-meaning) friends and family that don’t quite get it.
But, you already know. Deep in your core. You. Know. The. Truth. The truth of who you are. The truth of why you’re here.
Your path is your path and it does not look like others. It’s not supposed to. Stand in that powerfully. Never waiver. Choose the truth of who you are again and again. And the next step will be revealed. And the next. And the next. And, when you forget: Just, gently, come back home again.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others. It is all happening FOR you. Perfectly. Divinely. Just ask why? What are you teaching me now? And, the answer shall be revealed.
You are a God. God. One with God. ✨
You are a brave powerful being who is willing to risk it all. To give it all away in pursuit of the call of the heart. Most people won’t get it. They will look at you as crazy. Silence those people. (With love! Of course).
And know this: As you are waking up, you are actually becoming one of the sane ones in this insane world.
Love yourself deeply. And, when that voice comes in your head to try to convince you otherwise, tell it to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Please. 🙂 You don’t have time for that nonsense now. You have work to do.
Instead, hear this voice of love and adoration and truth. Feel into the energy of the highest version of yourself who you REALLY are when you peel back the masks & cut through the fear. Be who you have come here to be. Fearless. Heartfelt. Guided. Powerful. You’ve got this. I’ve got you.
All you have to do is … Remember. ❤