Last weekend, in Ft. Lauderdale, my 5-year-old daughter, Delilah, snapped this picture of me on the beach.
It had been cold, cloudy, and super-windy all weekend — not very nice beach weather at all! So, even though the ocean tempted us from our room-with-a-view, we didn’t get to spend much time with her.
But, on the verrrrry last day, in fact, the last hour — the sun finally came out from behind the clouds. I was determined to feel her warmth on my skin and soak up some delicious energy. We made our way down to the sand & found a spot. I laid there with my eyes closed — breathing it in. That’s when Delilah, little-old-soul that she is, said, “mommy, you look so peaceful. I want to take your picture.” #awww
Afterwards, she asked, “are you going to post it on Facebook?” lol. “Sure,” I said.
But, I didn’t.
Why? Well. For starters, I saw an image of someone that was waaaay to pale. (Hello, crazy cold Florida winter!) The picture, taken by a 5-year old, was imperfectly framed and composed. And, above all, I knew that someone, inevitably, would probably point out the way my rib cage sticks out a bit from this angle and tell me that I need to go “eat a hamburger.” (Haven’t heard that one before. lol. And, as a vegan, it gets a double eyeroll!! 🙄
It took me back 20-some years to a time when I didn’t know how to love myself and my reflection and when I probably actually DID need to eat a (veggie) burger. I was often critiqued for being “too skinny” which didn’t compute because that’s not what I saw in the mirror. Those old wounds, stirred up, were enough to trigger me into not taking action in that moment.
But, today, as I was scrolling through my phone, this photo caught my attention, again, and I saw something different.
I saw a beautiful woman who decided to make this the year that she takes her sovereignty back. 🙌🏼 She loves deeply – herself and others. She makes it her job to let her daughter’s know how loved and beautiful THEY are. And, she does her best to make a positive impact in this crazy world. Most notably & importantly, however, she’s finally realized, she has absolutely NOTHING to prove and NOBODY to impress. (Aaaaaamen!!
🙏) This is the most freeing and liberating thing everrrrrr.
In committing to living a life that’s fully self-expressed — being self-censored is simply not an option. How we do one thing, is how we do most things. So, I asked myself, where else and how else am I holding back? And, decided: I’m taking a do-over on this one. So, here it is! Bring on the hamburger comments. 😂 I don’t have to accept them as truth. In fact, I know this body is strong and healthy AF and I happen to love it. A lot.
😍Even with — no — ESPECIALLY with, it’s 41-years on-this-earth, birthing-of-two-children flaws and imperfections.
Is it risky to share truth so vulnerably? To put yourself out there, opening up to criticism? Sure. But, only when your bullshit fears are bigger than your purpose.
The freedom is in the contrast of that. Liberation comes from unapologetic truth-sharing & living a life in purposeful alignment, fully expressed, without concern of the harsh opinions of others (who, usually, haven’t yet done the work & walked the path).
The coolest thing about all this? In unleashing our own sovereignty, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. This is why I share the way I do — for those who need to hear this message. You know who are. 🤗
Consider this “permission” granted to show up fully. You no longer need to play small. That was the old paradigm. It’s time to fully step into your purpose. It’s safe to be seen & heard.
I want you to take on that your voice missing from the conversation is the reason why the world is how it is right now. Because it is. That’s how powerful you are. Your shine, your wisdom, your truth – it’s all needed. Now is the time! (And, don’t worry – it gets easier with practice & over time).
In the meantime, I’ll be holding space for you. How are you? I love to hear from you! Much love! 💕