How to Navigate Change with Love.

Change is a catalyst for growth.

And, it can feel really scary.

In our hearts, we know that stepping into the new and the unknown is a blessed opportunity to gently release all that is no longer in alignment and which no longer serves our highest good. It’s our big chance to finally grow our wings and morph into the beautiful butterfly that we are meant to be.

Our mind doesn’t always follow our heart, though.

Status quo, even when it doesn’t serve our highest good, is warm and cozy. It’s like that old tattered blanket that you just can’t bare to throw away because it has wrapped you, on countless occasions, into it’s snuggly cocoonedness (that is a word, right?). Who doesn’t want to feel safe and content inside a fuzzy hug?

But, playing it safe is where complacency happens. Our growth becomes stunted. The fire in our soul reduced to barely a smolder. It’s where life ends. Really.

Enter change.

Beware. Our ego mind doesn’t care much for change. Ego is all about fear and self-judgment. It will do its best to convince us not to make a move. What if you fail? You probably will, after all. What if this is a horrible decision? It probably is. And, who are you to take this giant leap? To dream so big? Silly you. The ego relies on the familiar, oh so reluctant to explore the unknown, and determined to keep us trapped in fearville, where countless other lost souls reside. Feeling safe, but merely a shell of our authentic selves — that’s no way to live.

It is the spaces of the unknown that the most beautiful magic of our existence occur. Gorgeous in the shape of new landscapes. Exquisite in the form of fresh experiences that mold us and help us to grow. When we’re brave enough to take the leap, adventures abound as we’re pulled into beautiful new directions. We finally get to peel back the layers and expose our delightful authenticity within.

I don’t believe that life happens to us. It happens FOR us.

So, when we are being guided into a new direction, we must go with the flow and remain open to the possibilities. We’re being prepared to blossom fully into the person we are meant to be.

So, the simple solution is this: replace fear with love. Fear is everything that can go wrong. Love is everything that can go right. Fear is close-minded and expecting the worst. Love is open to all of the possibilities and never losing faith in the fact that we’re being guided to our highest good. Fear chooses complacency and status quo. Love chooses to expand and grow into the infinite possibilities of the Universe. Fear is judgemental and considers what we’re ‘supposed’ to do according to the rest of the world. Love goes within, calls on passion and purpose, and allows intuition to take control of the wheel.

I hope you will join me in tapping into that inner-wisdom, staying strong, being fluid, and leaning into the fear. The places we’ll go, despite them being way outside of our comfort zones, are exactly where we need to visit to step fully into our highest potential. A yummy place to be.

Spread your wings and fly, baby. I will see you amongst the clouds.

In peace, love, and powerful transformation



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