Lea Bayles: From Stripped Bare to Embodying Personal Power

Lea Bayles helps entrepreneurs, creatives and change-makers thrive and shine while they create the impact they dream of.  She’s a speaker, teacher, coach and catalyst for the creative power of love.

Her background is quite interesting & diverse with a master’s degree in psychology as well as decades of experience in spirituality, education, mind-body healing, shamanism, energy medicine, dance, yoga, chi kung, expressive arts and dreamplay.

In this episode, she opens up about the dark period of her life: divorce after 25 years, quitting her corporate job, leaving the home and land she loved, the cancer and then death of her beloved friend and former husband, and her children moving away to college.

But, she powerfully shifted the darkness to light and graciously shares her tools and her stories with us so that you may shift yours too.

Lea has been so gracious to offer the Naked Soul Tribe a free gift. Download the “Unshakable Self Care Package” here: LeaBayles.com/gifts

And, connect with Lea on social media here:


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Until next time, stay awesome. And dare greatly enough to get soul naked, letting the truth of who you become fully expressed!


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