Episode 015: Debbie Sodergren: Woo Out of the Closet
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Dawn Gluskin: Hello and welcome back to another episode of Bare Naked Radio. I am your host, Dawn Gluskin and today I’m here with a very special guest, a dear, dear friend of mine, amazing human being. I’m so excited to introduce to you Debbie Sodergren. Hello Debbie.
Debbie Sodergren: Hi everyone.
Dawn Gluskin: Debbie and I have known each other for, gosh, a couple years now and we just instantly connected. You know when you meet someone that’s, like, your person? That was kind of how it was with us. We’re in the same mastermind group together. We’ve got to travel to Hawaii and Puerto Rico and all these cool places together and she’s just amazing. I’m so happy I get to share her with you all today. If you don’t know Debbie yet, she is the CEO of Up Vibrations, LLC. Clients hire her to cultivate their mindsets, reduced stress, and raise their energy vibration to create the success they desire in their life. She does this through one-on-one coaching and group programs. I have worked with her before and she just really helps you clear out whatever you need to clear out and get connected to your higher self. She’s just amazing. So, hello Debbie. Welcome.
Debbie Sodergren: Hi Dawn. This is so wonderful being on Bare Naked Radio. I’m very excited to be here today with you.
Dawn Gluskin: Me, too. Me, Too. Oh my gosh. So much to talk about. Let’s just get right into it. Let’s talk about how you ended up where you are today. You have a really cool background. You’ve studied that metaphysics and you’re just so connected. How did you get where you are today and how did you become an energy vibration expert and what even is that for the people out there that are scratching their head?
Debbie Sodergren: It’s interesting because I’ve always been this and it’s always been difficult trying to find where in the world, in our society does what I am and how I’m put together, how do I fit in. It wasn’t until after I got married and, um, I used to work in the marketing world and left my job at the airlines working in marketing. I left my job working at Lego and marketing. I was going back to night school and taking some classes to – I’m a constant learner. One of my teachers – I was taking a psychology class. She, at the end of class, had said, “Hey, by the way, for those of you interested, I’m a medium and I offer classes in mediumship and paranormal and in metaphysics. If you are interested, come see me at the end of class.” Well, oh my gosh, my radar went up and I was just, like, “Thank you, Universe.” Like in my head, thank you universe, because I know how all this works. I just never really had a format around it. And so I went up and spoke with her and I ended up, Lo and behold, going to her school for six years called the New England School of Metaphysics. I graduated in 1998. I took everything they had to offer. At that point it was, like, “Okay, so I’m going to do this.” During that time, I’d had three children, so my dream job was being an at-home mom with my kids because my husband’s job had him traveling all the time. Our goal at that time – we had the same idea of values of what we wanted for our children – was that we were going to raise them, which meant one of us was going to stay home with the kids. When we first got married, I made the bigger paycheck. But over the long haul he had the buildout for having the bigger paycheck for the lifestyle. So, no problem. I would love to be an at-home mom. My parents both worked full time and I did not have an at-home mom. So that’s something that I craved to be for my children. While I was an at-home mom, I’d taken these classes. I graduated and I started doing classes in my home to different women’s groups that I was associated with through my children’s associations, whether it was a school group or a neighborhood group. And I was, like, “Yeah, I do this thing where I teach meditation classes and I teach you about your energy body.” And they’d be, like, well, “What’s your energy body?” I’d say, “Well, okay, so you have this physical body that you can see, but you also have these layers of energy that are outside of your body and inside of your body. Over in Indian ayurvedic training, they call them the 7 major chakras in your body and 21 minor chakras and hundreds of sub chakras. In the Chinese energy system, they call it the meridian system that’s inside the body. They’re pathways.” I explained it to people in this kind of language where they got it and they were, like, “Yeah, I would love to know more about how to integrate using that with my physical body and what’s going on around me.” A great pathway for me to do that with them was through meditation because meditation was just becoming mainstream and people were doing it. There were studies out in the early, the late nineties, early 2000s about the benefits of meditation. So that was a really safe way to introduce people to what my underlying purpose was, which was to get them to know about their energetic body vibration and by getting them to know, love, and trust me by taking four weeks of basic meditation and awareness with me, I was then able to answer their questions, build trust with them so that they were just salivating and satiated. That they wanted so much more. And then, we would continue onto this course that I put together. It’s a 12 week course called “The Journey Within.” It talks about a bunch of fun stuff. I try to keep it lighthearted and fun and I think that’s why I’ve had such great results with it is because I de-mystify it. I take away all of the stuff around it that makes it feel or sound like it’s something that would be hard to attribute yourself too. I try to make it so that it’s every day and you can actually do this, like in your home. You don’t have to go someplace special.
Dawn Gluskin: You have such a great story because I know that even from childhood you always have known that you are very connected to sort of the other dimensions and you’re really tuned in to the divine frequencies. Maybe as a child – and I know this because I know you – that that was something you kind of shut down a little bit because it was, like, “Well, this is kind of weird. Why doesn’t anyone else have this?” But you have such a great journey. You go into marketing and you decide that wasn’t your path. But then you go study metaphysics for six years, which is awesome because a lot of people don’t get the opportunity to have a formal education around these things. We’re all just kind of figuring it out. But then you bring it back to your mom groups and you’re teaching just moms, the regular people. Everyone has this capacity to tune in to their energetic body and I’m making a point of this because a lot of people hear about this stuff and they shut it down because, like, “Well I don’t understand that” or “I’m not special.” But we all have the ability and the capacity to tune in. Beautiful, magical things happen when you work with the laws of the universe. I just love how you’re bringing these concepts and you’re making them accessible to everyone. You started with moms and now I know you work with a lot of business leaders as well.
Debbie Sodergren: Yeah, I do. Thank you for that. Aw, that’s so sweet of you. Well, you know, back in the day when I was first starting to do this, I thought, “Who better than somebody like me, who is a mom, who’s taking care of the kids. Whenever I would file my taxes, they would say, “Oh, what are you, a housewife?” The one time that I answered it, that I was done with that word because I was, like, “I’m not a housewife. That’s not what I am. I’m not a wife to my house. That’s just not what I am.” And so I was sitting across from the account and my husband and I said, “Well no, actually I’m the manager of domestic affairs.” And there was silence in the room and he’s, like, “Excuse me?” And I said, “No, seriously. I thought about this, I manage everything that goes on. If I was in an office and if I was a secretary for a CEO, these are the things that I would be doing it.” I listed out everything and he just sat there and his jaw dropped open. He goes, “My wife’s going to love you.” So I’m just trying to bring some dignity to the whole idea of being an at-home mom. It’s a stressful thing and especially when you’re on your own for 24/7 for four or five days in a row, you can go crazy for a little bit and you don’t really have a place to vent. In our society, we have not been taught a proper way to unplug from all the external things that are calling our attention, to really get grounded, to go inward, to listen to that inner wisdom and tap into it. We’ve been so distracted by everything outside of us that we forgot how to listen to it. So what do I do really is I help people get reacquainted with that whole process of going inward and because it’s nothing that we’ve been taught in our regular school life or our whole lives. It’s by nobody’s fault, there’s no judgment here. It’s just looking at it as an awareness. It’s all about really teaching people to reconnect to that and you can’t do it in a weekend and you can’t do it in a night. It takes time.
Dawn Gluskin: It’s not a pill. You’re not going to swallow a pill and have this magic happen. It’s a practice.
Debbie Sodergren: Exactly. And our society has been sold on this idea of, “If something’s wrong, here’s a pill, let’s fix it.” Don’t get me wrong, I agree with allopathic medicine, but I think allopathic medicine is good for crisis mode. Then when you can get things under control and manageable, then you really need to start digging to look at what’s the underlying root factor of what this is so that you can then shift it so you don’t have to suffer with it any longer.
Dawn Gluskin: Yeah, and that’s such a great point because all the wisdom we need, all the healing we need, everything is available to us inside of us and our heart, in our gut. It’s available within. And meditation helps you connect with that. So when you say it’s an inside of you, a lot of people think, “Oh, inside my head, right?” And actually what’s going on inside of our heads, a lot of time is just fed by the outside world of wanting to fit in, of the beliefs we’ve created about ourselves. That’s another one of the beautiful benefits of having a regular meditation practice and a regular spiritual practice is connecting to that inner wisdom that comes from the heart, that comes from your intuition, to get rid of the stories in your head that are false and connect with your truth. It’s just so beautiful and I think everyone – gosh, why aren’t we teaching this in school to children? Everyone can benefit from knowing this, but we’re not really learning that. Especially here in this Western society.
Debbie Sodergren: Yeah. As far as your listeners go, if you take anything away from our call today, my purpose to being on this call is to help you understand that: give yourself permission when someone that you love comes to you with a different idea or a different mindset or a different way of being, instead of coming to them with judgment, come to them with compassion in your heart, so just drop from your head down into your heart. In fact, science has now proven that the electromagnetic field around the heart is four times larger than that. That’s around the brain. That’s huge. So if we could just drop down into our hearts and really have compassion for our differences and embrace the differences – because that’s what makes everything the spice of life – and stop passing judgment on it, I think that we will be co-creating the world that we really want to see moving forward.
Dawn Gluskin: I love that and of course you and I, we’ve been doing the work for many, many years so we know how to drop into our heart, but for someone that’s listening and they’re, like, “Well, how do I do that?” They spend so much time in their head. What would you say? Just like a to get started, like how do you visualize yourself doing that or what’s your sort of training if you can give like a quick little training here?
Debbie Sodergren: Absolutely. What I like to do when I’m doing an interview or if I’m doing a talk on a stage somewhere is just share with the audience. Remember the acronym FLY and it stands for First Love Yourself. When you are in stress mode of making dinner and the kids and the homework and you’ve got stuff on your plate that you didn’t finish at work or you need to get back into the office and it’s gonna be a late night. Whatever it is: if you have a significant other or not even that stressful, whatever those stressors are, what you can do is just take a couple moments to yourself, meaning stop whatever you’re doing, just kind of go into the bathroom, close the door, close the lid on the toilet and just sit on it and close your eyes and do three cleansing breaths. As you do them, breathe in through your nose, expanding your abdomen out, holding it at the top of the breath, and then exhaling through your mouth and pulling your belly button to your spine. After you do those three cleansing breaths, just kind of sit there, continue sitting there with your eyes closed, and just kind of go inward and see “How am I doing right now? What is it that my needs are? What is it that I need?” You might need to say to somebody, “Hey, can you stir this a few moments? I just need to sit and drink a cup of tea” or “can you just do your reading right now while I do…” Do whatever it is that you need to do. Maybe you need to stretch because you forgot about stretching. Maybe you forgot about drinking a glass of water and nourishing your body. It’s a really simple thing and it sounds simple and I can feel some of the eye rolling. Let me tell you.
Dawn Gluskin: It’s so powerful. Don’t dismiss what’s simple. It doesn’t have to be hard. We’re designed for it to be easy. Really. When you let go of all the story and just connect. There’s nothing more powerful than connecting with yourself, your truth, your divine self. It really is that. It can be that simple.
Debbie Sodergren: It sure can and I tell people, “If you are shrugging your shoulders, you’re not quite sure then why not try it? Nothing to lose and everything to gain.”
Dawn Gluskin: Yeah and our audience – we have some pretty openminded listeners too and they’re always willing to learn and that’s the feedback I’ve gotten from other episodes. I love that. Just take that on. And I love that you’re saying, you know, to go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet because if you’re a mom, you know that sometimes that’s just where you escape, a closet or the bathroom. “Can I just have a minute?”
Debbie Sodergren: Exactly. Exactly. And it only takes a couple minutes to do a couple cleansing breaths and then if you don’t want people to know what you’re doing when you’re in there, just flush it for the sake of flushing it and when you do imagine all your stress leaving, going down and leaving the house.
Dawn Gluskin: Then eventually gets to the point where you’ll just be wherever. Like, I’ll be on a bench at the park, I don’t care. Like, if I need a minute, I’m going to close my eyes and take it. It just gets to be like that because you know how good it is for yourself. And it’s, like, “I don’t need a high.” My kids know all the time. They’ll see me meditating and just know, like, “Leave Mommy alone. She’s having a moment.”
Debbie Sodergren: Yeah. And it’s really healthy. And as a matter of fact, when I see somebody in public do that for themselves, it triggers in me, Oh yeah, my own self care. Where am I going to take a moment? Maybe I’ll get in the car and get to the next location and I’ll turn the keys off. And I’ll sit in the car and I’ll just do it before I go into the next session, just so that I can get really get present around what it is that’s calling my attention next. Yeah. And the more you practice it, the easier it is to drop in, right? You can just a few seconds, not even with closing your eyes, you can just do it. I’m just walking, you know, walking through a crowded place or whatever it is. So it’s just setting the intention and you definitely can get there really quickly.
Dawn Gluskin: That’s why you want to practice. Awesome. I love everything you’ve talked about so far. On Bare Naked Radio, we always sort of touch a little bit on subjects of biggest “failures”. I always say “failure” in quotes because failure is just an opinion, but I think our biggest failures or our biggest heartaches really are what shape us into who we are. That’s where we get our super powers from. We talk about your mess becoming your message or transmitting your pain into your purpose. You have such a great story and I would love for you to share it with our audience today. Debbie is like “Little Debbie” and then how you’ve grown into who you are now and being so connected and what that journey looked like for you. So you want to share a little bit about that?
Debbie Sodergren: Yeah. Uh, how far back do you want me to go?
Dawn Gluskin: Well, let’s go back to like when you were sick. You were four or five?
Debbie Sodergren: Okay, sure. Yep. I just wanted to make sure I was going to go where you wanted me to go. So when I was four years old I went and had a kindergarten physical just like everybody else does. And during my physical, my doctor had noticed something strange with my heart. So they sent me to a cardiologist and they realized that I had a hole in my heart. Everyone’s born with a hole in their heart. Mine just didn’t close up, so they realized that I was going to need open heart surgery. After figuring out if they were gonna send me someplace to another state where there was a specialist or whatever, the cardiologist decided to come to where I live and do the surgery. After my first surgery, which was about eight hours, my parents came into my room to see me and my mom looked at me and she’s, like, “Something’s off. Her color doesn’t look good. Something’s not right.” They came in and they reassessed me and they realized that the procedure that they used didn’t work. So they needed to go in and do open heart surgery again. It was during the second open heart surgery that I feel I’ve had my out of body experience. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember it through the lens of my four year old self. Once I came back, there was times when I was able to leave my body and I’d, like, travel across the street to see my grandparents. Or I’d go next door and see my best friend. I started saying stuff to them, like, “Oh, I saw you get up at such and such a time” or “Oh, I saw you had such on for your PJ’s.” An adult had sat me down and was, like, “You can’t talk like this. They’re going to take you away. Well, when you say that to a 4 and 5 year old… they don’t want to be taken away. So the next best thing I could do that was within my power was when I went to bed at night, I would just close my eyes really tight and I’d make this with my hands and I would just will myself to stay in my body. “Please stay in my body. Please stay my body.” And I did it, to the point where that’s what I mastered. So I didn’t have to do that willfully. I was able to do that naturally. That’s how my routine of practice became my habit so that it became just a natural thing for me. And growing up I was always kind of different. I hung out with the kids in the smoking area, but yet I was the track manager. And I was in plays. So I was kind of like the social butterfly just kind of fit in with everybody. I liked that about myself. There were times when I really felt like I didn’t fit in anywhere. Like I was this lone nut out there and “how come nobody else does what I do and how come nobody talks the way I do or nobody wants…” Anytime I tried to broach the subject of anything that was esoteric or metaphysical – friends who knew me and loved me – I would like bring up the subject and they’d be, like, “What are you doing? My God, you’re freaking me out. Stop talking like that.” So I kind of didn’t say anything. Throughout the years, I went to college, wasn’t really what I wanted in college, so I didn’t want to spend the money. So I left college after a year. I put myself through travel school because I thought, “Oh, I love to travel, I want to see the world, I’m all about that.” I became a travel agent and got a job at the airport working for a car rental, knowing that I wanted to get in to an airline. So what I did was every day on my lunch break, I’d go talk to the people at the airline. And sure enough, before you knew it, there was an opening. I interviewed and I got the job. That was one way of me knowing that if I just put my mind to something, if I just did some small action steps, I would create it. To me, I never second guessed that if I wanted something I could achieve it. It was just kind of something that I felt like I knew. From that point on, I kept trying to fit in in different jobs and, like I said, in marketing, through the airlines and through LEGO and stuff. I became a real estate agent because I thought, “Oh my God, I love homes and I would like to help people manage their dreams.”
Dawn Gluskin: You’re just like trying to find yourself and like, “How can I fit into the box?”
Debbie Sodergren: Exactly what it was like. And then finally, my kids were grown at this point. I was an at-home mom, my kids were grown. I had done a lot of work on myself and my own frustration and not fitting in and in my needs. I finally just had this download one night and I was meditating and Spirit came in and just said, “It’s time. It’s time to step into being you.” And I’m, like, “What are you talking about?” This is the conversation in my head. I was going, “What are you talking about? I am being me.”
Dawn Gluskin: You got so good at denying who you were that it was like, “What do you mean?”
Debbie Sodergren: Yeah. And then it was loud and clear. They said, “No, no. You have one foot in each world, we really need you to be the luminary that you said you were going to be while you were there. Let us support you. Let us worry about everything else. You just do what you said you were going to do when you came down.” So I was like, “Alright.” And I woke up and next day, I said to my husband, “I’m going to be giving up my real estate license. I’m just going to hang my shingle out there as an energy worker.” He was, like, “How are you going to do that?” I’m scratching my head, “I don’t know.” So I got on the phone and I made like 30 calls on the shoreline looking to rent space and I got two phone calls back. One of them was from a massage therapist practice and they said, “Yeah, we’d love to sublease to you. I ended up going there and I just trusted the process and it really worked out for me. I ended up running a Groupon of all things and I had, like, 300 people buy a Groupon for an energy session. That was the beginnings. I just did with whatever came to me naturally – like the idea of a Groupon. I don’t know. It came across my email once where there was a Groupon for something and I thought, “Huh, I wonder if I could do a Groupon for what I do.” I got in touch withGgroupon and they’re, like, “Yeah, you could do that.” They walked me through the process and I didn’t even think twice about it.
Dawn Gluskin: You were just being guided. That’s such an important point too because sometimes you just need to be in motion. You don’t have to have all the answers figured out or all the next steps or the big vision. You were literally being called by Spirit to get into motion and you just took the first step and the next step. It’s so beautiful. There are so many great things in what you shared, Debbie, because I know a lot of our listeners can relate. Certainly I can relate to a lot of your story with there’s something about us that we know is different or special or unique or it’s just a little other worldly, right? And then you’re told, like, “No, that’s too weird. People are gonna think you’re crazy.” And that usually happens at a young age and then you just learn to shut down. “That’s too out there. That’s weird.” All of these things and not everyone necessarily can leave their body, which is pretty cool. But everyone can kind of have their own version of that. That thing about themselves that they don’t want anyone to find out that they’re going to be judged about. People aren’t going to like them. So you just water yourself down. And that’s so much of what Bare Naked Radio is about, is peeling back the layers and being, like, “Hey, this is me. This is who I really am. I’m not hiding anymore. I’m not wearing the mask anymore. You’ve emulated that so beautifully when you got the call and it was. like, “No, Debbie, we need you. We need you to step up.” And you could have been, like, “No, no, I don’t. That’s scary. I don’t want to do it. But you took that step and even just sharing this today on the show, that’s huge. That takes something, right?
Debbie Sodergren: Yeah. It takes a lot because you know, there’s people that think that they know me and my community of where I live and they might listen to this show and they might not know some of this information that I’m sharing here because I’ve never been in a setting where I could share the context of my authentic self. I’m a Gemini. I’m a really good chameleon. I can fit into any environment. If you want me to put on the the at-home mom or you want me to put on the hat of being a member of the community or whatever it is. I’m comfortable doing it. To me it’s like the world is my stage and so I’m just playing these different parts in my stage and now the universe is really tapping me. My source is tapping me to step into being my authentic self and let the world see that and in my own beliefs of what was taught to me and ingrained in me when I was younger. That is my lens for thinking, “Oh, they’re not going to like me. Oh, they’re not going to accept me.” I’ve got the training now behind me and the wisdom and I’ve got the courage to just stand there and say, “It’s okay.”
Dawn Gluskin: It’s all perfect, too. I think it’s all perfect because at a young age, you had the near death experience which obviously opened some channels for you, but even being told to shut it down and living your life that way for so long. Now the time is right and the universe is ripe and there’s a lot of people coming out. We even talked about this. You talked about doing a show called Coming Out of the Woo-Woo Closet.
Debbie Sodergren: Yes, yes. I did a podcast show for a year with another co-host. We were before our time and we did this show. Now we just offer it on our website for people just to get to know, love, and trust us. You and I have been in some masterminds together. We’ve done some traveling together and we are likeminded and you are so in my corner and I love you for that. It’s exciting that one of the things to do is to get that podcast show going, “Woo Out of the Closet” kind of thing because everybody’s got their story of it.
Dawn Gluskin: There are so many. It’s even me. I can relate to that, too, because my way of connecting to sources is through channeling. I channel a lot of things in writing and I’m, like, “Oh my God, people are gonna think I’m crazy. ‘Oh, I’m talking to God. God’s talking to me.'” People are gonna be, like, “Okay, she’s crazy. They’re going to take me away.” And I was, like, “Can I say? People are gonna think I’m weird.” I had the exact same thing. I’ve shut a lot of it down, too. And the same thing, now more recently I’m being more open about it and just owning it and it’s who I am. How could you be too much love or too much light. It’s not possible. Anybody who judges you for that or has an issue with that’s just their own stuff that they’re working through and you can never take it personal.
Debbie Sodergren: Well yes, their own fears. It’s their own limitations. If they really stopped for a moment and they do those three centering breaths and get into their body, they realize, “This is it. This is me too. This is it, guys. This isn’t a dress rehearsal.” Knowing that information now going forward, what are your choices going to be? Because you always have a choice.
Dawn Gluskin: Yeah. It’s beautiful. I just love that you’re stepping up to the plate and answering the call and just sharing your brilliance with everyone and there’s a lot of people. You’d be surprised how many people are sort of “in the woo-woo closet” when you start talking to people. That happens a lot in my work. I’m the “Truth Digger.” I’m kinda like the “truth serum.” I get a lot of, “Oh, I’ve never told anyone this before, but…” I get a lot of that. Interestingly enough, I’ve worked with several clients who have had near death experiences. For whatever reason, my field, I attract those kind of people and it’s the same thing. Like I’ve never told this story before and so many people are coming out, so if you’re at home listening now and this is you, this is your permission to be who you are and it feels so good to not have to pretend anymore and not have to worry about what everyone’s going to think and just to be yourself. Who you were meant to be on this planet at this time and you even said it before, what you agreed to. We all have these soul contracts that we agreed to come here on earth at this time to cause something. So it’s time to step up, if you’re listening and that’s you and you’re hearing yourself in this story idea. I dare you! It’s not even a dare but it just feels so good. I heard you. Tell somebody. Tell people. Come out.
Debbie Sodergren: It’s time. If you’re listening to this podcast, that’s a sign that it’s time.
Dawn Gluskin: It’s so beautiful. Oh, I love it so much and I could literally talk to you for hours and I can’t believe our time is just about up already.
Debbie Sodergren: I know it goes by so fast, right?
Dawn Gluskin: I love you so much and everyone who’s listening now is falling in love with Debbie like I have and wants to get connected with you. Can you tell everyone where they can find you on social media, how they can connect with you?
Debbie Sodergren: Sure, absolutely. Thank you for that. I have a website, so if you go to my website, it’s www.upvibrations.com and I have a freebie on there. So if you’re interested in a little grounding, it’s less than five minutes. You can get it for free, you can put it on your phone, you can put it on your computer, whatever you need. I’d love to give that to your audience as a gift. I’m also on Instagram, @DebbieSodergren. I’m on Twitter and I’m on Facebook. On Facebook, it’s “Up Vibrations LLC.” So if you check that out you can join. It’s my company website. I’ve got different groups and things in there that you’re welcome to check out.
Dawn Gluskin: Awesome. Love it, love it. And as always, all of the links will be up on www.barenakedradio.com. You can just click on Debbie, her show, and her show notes and you can get easy access to all of that. Oh my gosh, Debbie, I just thank you so much for sharing and for coming out of the woo closet and inspiring many others to do the same. That’s what this show is all about, is being the truth of who we are so that we don’t go to our deathbed with that regret that so many people have of, “I wish I had lived a life true to myself.” Now is your time.
Debbie Sodergren: Absolutely. And I love what you do because sometimes when you’re first coming out like this and you’re saying this, it’s hard to find the language around it so that people can associate with you still and you’re not making yourself excluded. I love the work that you’re doing with just taking people’s stories of who they are and stepping into their authentic selves and making it in a way that shows them the love that they bring forward. And not the weirdness.
Dawn Gluskin: Oh yeah. Gosh, of course. Because that’s how we are. That’s the truth of who we are. It’s all love. We just need to honor that and be who we are. I’m talking to myself when I say this to like the reason this is my message – our pain becomes our purpose. This has been my life too. And as I come out and express myself, the more people that do it, that’s what this planet needs right now. So keep doing the work. Everybody connect with Debbie. She will help you connect to your energy, body, and love on yourself and FLY: First Love Yourself. It’s such a great acronym and so much good stuff. So thank you for being here, Debbie. Love you.
Debbie Sodergren: Alright, thanks for having me, Dawn. Thank you.
Listen to the episode and access the show notes here.