You Are Already Perfect and Complete


You are already perfect and complete. Everything you need is inside of you. Right now.

There is nothing more to BE.

You are being called to simply: R-e-l-e-a-s-e.

It’s time to LET GO, love.

Loosen your grasp on ALL:

The stories you’ve made up about yourself.

The other-people’s-beliefs that you’ve allowed to mean something about yourself.

All the ways you numb so you don’t have to sit with the discomfort that you feel within yourself.

The iron-clad walls you’ve put up to protect yourself.

The comparison, the worries, the not-worthy’s.

The: I’m too much or I’m not enough’s.

The blame, the shame, the guilt.

The many voices of fear.

The unexpressed anger. And sadness. The unspoken truths.

And, all the other emotions that have been bottled up for far too long — creating a pressure-cooker situation inside of you – just waiting to EXPLODE at any time.

We live in a world that says more, more, more. Faster. Bigger. Better. Work harder. Do more. Be more.

But, we’ve been fed a web of lies. >>The un-learning process is where your true power lies. <<

The waiting for tomorrow, a mystical place where all the magical dreams happen …. must end now.

Because NOW is the only moment we ever have.

Your job right right now is to focus on releasing ALL that no longer serves,

So that you can fill up with:

~The sweet vibration of Love

~The remembrance of the truth of who you are

~The frequencies & codes that will help you ascend into your highest truth

~ The soul family who you are meant to call in & magically co-create with

~ The potential to be, do, and have everything you’ve come to this earth, at this time, to experience.

~All the purpose, abundance, joy, & love that is your birthright.

Your TRUTH is the sexiest, most powerful, precious gift that you have.

YET.. most of us are walking through life HIDING it … or not even sure what “it” is — because it’s buried beneath all the layers of protection, confusion, self-doubt, conditioning.

It’s heavy. And, you, my dear, are made of light. It’s time to let go. Isn’t it?

Release. So you can fly.

Are you ready? <3

I’ve got you!



P.S.  I am holding space and helping clear energy for one more magical being who is being called to work privately for the next 90 days.

This is for the one who is in the midst of a big life transformation and/or being called to step into something new (and scary/exciting) & feel a high-level of support would serve to help clear space and create the next soul-aligned life chapters. Only if you’re ready to show up FULLY — send me a message here. ❤️

Flowing Freely (Poetry)

As you let your guard come slowly down

Cracks emerging in your outer shell


Your gorgeous inner-self comes out to play

Soaking in the sunshine, ray by ray


Feel the air flowing freely

On the skin of your authenticity


Feels amazing, right?

You are home.


No fear survives here.

It’s your destiny.


It’s who you are meant to be.

Be love. Be free.


~@dawngluskin on Vulnerability


What If You Literally Can’t Do It Wrong?

This was NOT one of my finer parenting moments.

To be honest, it’s a little embarrassing, actually.

But, I’m going to share this very raw & real moment with you.

Because my lessons are your lessons. My pain is your pain. We are all in this together.

Mom Life

Last week, Calista (age 10) came home from the bus stop visibly distressed. I could tell that she was holding back tears.

I asked her what was wrong & all of her emotion broke out. Long story short, her bus driver, who apparently has a history of being short-tempered, yelled at her and embarrassed her. And she didn’t do anything wrong. (It was a miscommunication).

This is when I felt the physical manifestation of emotions start to rise in my body. This was not the first time she’s come home with stories about this driver’s behavior.

(Surely, we’re all human and may lose our temper from time to time. Good lawd, these tiny humans know how to push our buttons and test our patience like no other!! But, when yelling is your DEFAULT way of being, and you have a job that requires you to be around children every day — this is a problem.)

I tried to be comforting, “Clearly, he has the wrong job, honey. It’s not about you. Don’t take it personal” was my response.

“But, I’m going to be in SO much trouble.” she said, in fear.

“Wait, hold up. In trouble how?” I asked. Clearly she was not in trouble with me. So, why the worry?

“He’s writing me up. The principle is going to call me in the office & then I’m in SO much trouble.” she said.

I remained calm on the outside, but inwardly I was feeling my anger grow. How did this man and this school system instill so much fear into my child?

“Well, honey. If that happens, you just use your voice, stand up for yourself, & explain to her what happened. You didn’t do anything wrong. No need to worry.” I tried to explain to her, rationally.

But, she was still so IN it. The fear of being in “trouble.” The embarrassment of having an adult “freak out” on her in front of all her friends. The pain of being yelled at, which is a lot for some. This is a girl who never gets in trouble, is a straight A student — she really IS a good kid.

She looked at me, with genuine fear in her eyes and said, “I don’t want to ride the bus. What if he yells at me again? What if I’m in trouble? What do I do?”

This is where the passion and emotions took over.

And, this is the part where I didn’t stop to take a breath and consider my response. This is where the passion and emotions took over. This is where the love for my child intersected with the anger over the situation. This is where the irreverent non-conformist in me who rallies against fear-based tactics and the broken system took the mic.

With the image of this off-kiltered bus driver in my mind, yelling at small children for anything and everything from talking to each other to looking down at their papers (instead of ahead “just in case” he has to slam on the brakes), spit flying, horn blaring, kids crying, overpowering…

“You tell him to ‘F*** OFF’. That’s what you do,” I told her.

I know. I know. I couldn’t believe what came out of my mouth either. Not my most profound wisdom drop or finest parenting moment.

It takes something for me to even share this now because my reaction is not in alignment with all the “labels” and beliefs I have about myself: loving mother, yogi, compassionate being. I earn my living through the art of communicating! I mean clearly this version of SELF was NOT present during this little outburst.

But, underneath it all, I am just as human as anybody else — figuring it all out as I go.

Along the way, I’ve learned to love myself through all the little imperfections and transgressions — even the part that is greatly irreverent at times, questions authority, and loves her children so much that it hurts.

What I had in front of me was a wide-eyed child whose expression was basically saying, “For reals?? My mother. She who I empty all of my worries and fears into. She who comforts and consoles. THIS is the advice she has for me?”

But, she DID stop crying. It brought her back to the moment. And changed the energy of the conversation.

When I checked in with myself, I realized the source of my anger. I felt like I had failed my child in that moment.

I’m raising my girls to be strong and confident, to love themselves, and NOT to live in fear. But, here I was, sending them to a school system everyday that is designed to teach them to get in line, conform, and fear authority. And the results of that were present right in front of me. My true anger was not with the bus driver, or the school, or the situation — it was with myself. And, how I felt like I wasn’t a good enough mother in that moment.

But, still, that was my sh*t to deal with (and I am). I knew I missed the mark with her & could do better.


“No, wait. Don’t say THAT. Not exactly” I back-pedaled a little. Oops.

“What mommy MEANT to say is this: No adult ever has the right to make you feel bad about yourself. Adults are humans too, and often make mistakes. They NEVER have any right to bully a child. People that yell all the time are not happy with themselves and are misdirecting their emotions. It’s not about you. Don’t take this on as it if means the TRUTH about you. I want you to know that you always have the right to stand up for yourself and I will ALWAYS back you up on that. ALWAYS. You will never be in trouble with me for speaking your truth.”

I could see that her emotions were shifting.

Now, to the point of why I decided to share this:

How often do we make ourselves wrong? For how we feel? For how we express? For how we react?

How often do we judge ourselves harshly because of it?

How about this instead:

What if it’s ALL serving? What if you literally can’t do it wrong. You can’t mess it up.

What if it’s all just information — leading us to our highest good. Pointing us in the direction of what we truly desire and where we shall change course?

Because, it is.

But, only when put our self-judgement aside for long enough to see it for truth.

Any time anger arises, when we develop acute awareness around it, is just an opportunity waiting to be transmuted into compassion. For ourselves. For the situation.

And, from that place, we get to create the reality that we truly desire.

And, this goes for any emotion. Don’t push it down. Don’t make it wrong. Ask it what it’s here to tell you.

When you lean into, what’s revealed to you is a wish that has been unfulfilled, an action not yet taken, something that has gone unexpressed for too long, and/or where you have work to do.

This is all good news.

Tune in to this subtle wisdom within, follow the breadcrumbs, and you will be liberated.

Thank back to a moment in your life where you made yourself “wrong.”  How can you look at it through a new lens of happening FOR you, instead?  If feeling inspired to do so, please share with us in the comments below!

The Power of Owning Your Story

We all have parts of our story that are a little more difficult to own up to than others.

Since, as humans, we are wired to avoid pain, we often end up locking those portions of our tale up in a closet somewhere, never to see the light of day again.

But, if we decide to let them out into the light, and maybe even give them a little cuddle and say, “I get you” – something quite magical occurs.

Really, what it comes down to is this: You can own your story, or your story will own you. Either way, you can’t re-write the past, but you can influence the next chapter.

When I started a technology company in my living room at age 30 and grew it from $0 to $3 million in just three years, I thought I had arrived. I mean, by all versions of societal success, that’s about as arrived as one can get, eh?

However, almost as quickly as we rose into our PR friendly “success story,” things began to crumble.

As happens in business sometimes, I took a zig when I should have taken a zag. In hindsight I see my biggest mistake was not having a bad-ass finance guru by my side, looking over reports and then calling me up saying, “Dawn, what the hell are you doing? Do you want to go out of business?” Yeah, I needed that guy or gal. Because, you see, I was really good at making sales and growing the company. But, at the time, forecasting and managing cash-flow weren’t my strong points. I mean, I can manage my own piggy bank. But, when you’ve got millions coming in and going out to the tune of hundreds of transactions a month… things get complicated quickly.

Work your strengths and outsource your weaknesses. Business 101. Duh. How did I screw that up?

So, long story short, after 7 years in business, I decided to close the company. Err, well, the Universe decided for me. We were losing obscene amounts of money and the stress was too much. I was drained financially, emotionally, spiritually. And, it was time to move on, on. I think I handled it pretty well too. If “well” could take the form of feeling sorry for myself, and repeatedly asking the old, “whyyyy meeee?” Then, yes, I handled it like a champ!

In my mind, from a karmic standpoint, I had done everything right. I chaired non-profit events and gave freely of my time and money. I put my needs behind those of my employees and kept them on payroll while not paying myself. I was kind. I worked on myself daily. I helped people from the heart. So, what the heck did I do wrong?

Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Wait a second. This is what I had been praying for everyday. As part of my morning ritual, I had asked repeatedly to be guided to the people, places, and things that would help me grow into my highest and best self so that I could be of the most service and able to help others. I certainly never expected this to be gifted to me in the form of a failed “successful” business, though.

It took me over a year and a half to go from “Hey, thanks a lot Universe. Waaaay to have my back on that one” to realizing that everything was happening for my greater good. I was being pulled and stretched and expanded beyond belief so I could become more awake, stronger, and even more aligned with my soul’s purpose. And, once I finally helped myself, I was in a position to help even more people. The Universe was carving out a path for me. Now, I understand all that money I lost was my “tuition money.” For reals. Pain and loss are pretty darn good teachers. I have the equivalent to a master’s degree in financial know-how now. And, while I did have to tuck my tail between my legs and go work for one of my old competitor’s for a while, that was actually quite humbling. And, it gave me the space to know that I really, really, really want to be an entrepreneur. It also gave me crystal clarity on how I want to show up in the world and how I want to serve.

It’s funny how things come around full circle too. You see, as a little girl, I never said, “I want to sell electronic components when I grow up.” I just sort of accidentally fell into that industry. In fact, I always knew I would be a writer when I grew up. That is, until the world convinced me that I would never make any money doing that. So, instead, I majored in business, and found myself in a long career of sales and marketing. Ten-year-old me knew what was up, though. Now, I am back to my roots and fostering creativity and storytelling and copywriting for soul-centered entrepreneurs — all things closely connected with my life’s mission. It took me being really out of alignment to be able to come back home and see things so clearly.

Sharing this part of my story publicly is not the easiest thing I’ve ever done. As a matter of fact, I have procrastinated, stared at blank screens, wrote and re-wrote more times than I care to admit. But, that just tells me how important it is to share. We live in a society where everybody puts up their highlight reels on social media. Our darkness stays hidden. We suffer alone. But, when we bring it into the light, pure magic happens. We heal. We give others permission to “fail” fantastically. We inspire them to own the parts of their story that they may feel shame around.

Brene Brown (who I absolutely adore) says, “When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write a brave new ending.” Amen, sister. I had let mine define me for a little too long. But, stepping into full ownership, I feel empowered.

This time around, as I write my brave new ending and build new businesses that are more aligned with my purpose, I’ve decided to re-define success. It matters not how many zeroes are in the revenue numbers on the balance sheet at the end of the day. Instead, it matters how many hearts are touched, how many lives are changed, and how much creative fire flows.

Maybe you are reading this and see a reflection of a part of your own story inside of mine. Maybe today is the day you shift the perception and, instead of feeling shame around it, you own it as part of your truth. You don’t have to share it publicly (unless you want to… it feels kind of nice, actually). But just allow acknowledgement for the hidden gifts within… for the sake of your own healing. You are beautiful and magical and perfect, especially because of your flaws. Those cracks are what let the light in, baby. Be blessed. Be well.

Republished, as original appeared on Huffington Post.