You Are Already Perfect and Complete


You are already perfect and complete. Everything you need is inside of you. Right now.

There is nothing more to BE.

You are being called to simply: R-e-l-e-a-s-e.

It’s time to LET GO, love.

Loosen your grasp on ALL:

The stories you’ve made up about yourself.

The other-people’s-beliefs that you’ve allowed to mean something about yourself.

All the ways you numb so you don’t have to sit with the discomfort that you feel within yourself.

The iron-clad walls you’ve put up to protect yourself.

The comparison, the worries, the not-worthy’s.

The: I’m too much or I’m not enough’s.

The blame, the shame, the guilt.

The many voices of fear.

The unexpressed anger. And sadness. The unspoken truths.

And, all the other emotions that have been bottled up for far too long — creating a pressure-cooker situation inside of you – just waiting to EXPLODE at any time.

We live in a world that says more, more, more. Faster. Bigger. Better. Work harder. Do more. Be more.

But, we’ve been fed a web of lies. >>The un-learning process is where your true power lies. <<

The waiting for tomorrow, a mystical place where all the magical dreams happen …. must end now.

Because NOW is the only moment we ever have.

Your job right right now is to focus on releasing ALL that no longer serves,

So that you can fill up with:

~The sweet vibration of Love

~The remembrance of the truth of who you are

~The frequencies & codes that will help you ascend into your highest truth

~ The soul family who you are meant to call in & magically co-create with

~ The potential to be, do, and have everything you’ve come to this earth, at this time, to experience.

~All the purpose, abundance, joy, & love that is your birthright.

Your TRUTH is the sexiest, most powerful, precious gift that you have.

YET.. most of us are walking through life HIDING it … or not even sure what “it” is — because it’s buried beneath all the layers of protection, confusion, self-doubt, conditioning.

It’s heavy. And, you, my dear, are made of light. It’s time to let go. Isn’t it?

Release. So you can fly.

Are you ready? <3

I’ve got you!



P.S.  I am holding space and helping clear energy for one more magical being who is being called to work privately for the next 90 days.

This is for the one who is in the midst of a big life transformation and/or being called to step into something new (and scary/exciting) & feel a high-level of support would serve to help clear space and create the next soul-aligned life chapters. Only if you’re ready to show up FULLY — send me a message here. ❤️

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