The concept of ‘Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable’ has been showing up for me A LOT in the past several months (hat tip to my Red Elephant mastermind leaders for this great phrase and concept!)
We’re all familiar with the expression of “the magic happens right outside of our comfort zone.” And, anybody that has even taken a leap of faith, carried onward with a heart beating out of their chest, or otherwise tiptoed outside that warm and fuzzy feeling of their zone of comfort can attest: Yes, there is something quite magical on the other side! (Shoot, the act of bravery itself is pure magic — regardless of the outcome).
So, why is it that so few of us can say that we do something that scares us every single day (or every single month or, let’s be real, every year for that matter)? Because comfort is, well, comfortable!! And, we’re wired to WANT to feel that way.
But, if you are someone with a mission in your heart, with passion in your veins, and a greater purpose calling you (even if just a gentle whisper in your ear) — than you have no other choice than to start getting uncomfortable!!! (That is, if you want to start seeing your vision unfold magically before your eyes).
Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. The time is now. If you want forward momentum, you have to get into aligned action. And, newsflash: aligned action is not always comfortable! (Bummer, riiiight?) Aligned action may call for you to get a little vulnerable. It may ask you to put yourself out there and do things you are not super comfortable with. It may make your heart beat a little faster & call for a few deep breaths, at times. But, I promise you, it will be MAGICAL. And, it will be worth it!
In this video, I talk about how I’ve been getting preeeeeetty uncomfortable these last few months. (Like giving up big income and making big investments and making scary phone calls and speaking directly from the heart — all in the pursuit of crazy dreams and vision kinda uncomfortable). But, the outcomes have been pretty magical. And, it’s kinda my new normal. And I kinda like it.
I would love to hear from you!! What are some mildly-terrifying albeit highly-impactful actions you can start committing to on a daily basis?? Maybe it’s sharing your somewhat-vulnerable message-that-needs-to-be-heard via a blog or video (or even a Facebook post – you’ve gotta start somewhere!) Or, maybe you can make a list of people that have been on your heart that you would LOVE to work with and commit to reaching out to just one or two of them every day. What’s the worst that can happen? They don’t reply or say no thanks? Oh well. Did you die? No! What’s the best that can happen? You score a new client or partnership that you REALLY wanted. Heck yeah!! (And, if you are committing to one or two of these calls a day — believe me – you are going to see results. Just speak from your heart. It’s that easy).
Soooo, what do ya think? Feeling a little scared? Good! That’s just excitement playing tricks on you. Ready to take some inspired action? Hell yeah!!
Share with me in the comments or feel free to message me privately. I want to cheer you on!! Or, at least, make sure you share with someone. Your bravery is going to cause a ripple effect, I promise. Pure magic in action is contagious.